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Getting Started with:

NAS Permissions In OMV - A Primer

If preferred, this document is available in PDF form at this location → Getting Started - Permissions

General: The purpose of this document is to provide an overview explanation of access control settings, using Samba network shares, in a peer-to-peer network. It's a brief explanation of permissions, as implemented within Openmediavault's GUI, with some usable examples. It does not apply, directly, to Domains or LDAP environments.

In Openmediavault's New Users Guide, in the sections Setting up a Shared Folder and Creating a SMB/CIF “Samba” Network Share, permission selections where made that will allow all local LAN users to connect to OMV server shares with write access. For home LAN's with one or two users, this may be adequate.

On the other hand, some home users may want to prevent children from deleting files and provision to allow guest login's with Read only access. Further, small businesses may want to grant or restrict employee access to specific shares. These scenarios will require that permissions are implemented, for NAS share access control.

  • nas_permmissions_in_omv.1614014308.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/02/22 17:18
  • by crashtest