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Incomplete Document for the next version
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In-development Backup Plugin For OMV6

Backup Plugin For OMV6

The backup plugin permit to handle everything transparently and automatically at specified time.

It is designed to be simple as possible, to use already existing tools as backend, and to do it as quick as possible.

The backends are:

dd A block-level compressed raw image of a whole partition Slow, but simple and well-supported
ddfull A block-level compressed raw image of a whole disk Slower, but simple and well-supported
FSArchiver A file-level compressed image of all system partitions Fast and efficient
BorgBackup A file-level compressed repository The most complex, but the more efficient
rsync A simple file-level copy of all files The simplest

While this OMV plugin makes backup easy to integrate into openmediavault, based on your settings, the package use software who was created by a third party. See the project / author's

In OMV6's GUI:
Under System, Plugins, find and highlight openmediavault-backup 6.X, and click the install button.

Place Holder

Some advanced settings can be set by environment variable or in /etc/default/openmediavault.

Please don't use them useless you know what you're doing.
VariableDefault valueDescription
OMV_BACKUP_DIR_NAMEomvbackupTarget directory name
OMV_BACKUP_FILE_PREFIXbackup-omvPrefix of backup files
OMV_BACKUP_MAX_DEPTH1The maximum directory depth when old backup are purged
OMV_BACKUP_FSA_COMP_LEVEL2FSArchiver compression level
OMV_BACKUP_ZSTD_OPTIONSzstd options for dd and ddfull mode
OMV_BACKUP_ZSTD_ADAPT0Activate the adaptive mode of zstd
  • docs_in_draft/backup-next.1682258117.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/04/23 13:55
  • by clexanis