Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. {{indexmenu_n>9}} \\ <html><center><span style="color:#b7620b;font-size:300%;">Incomplete Document</span></center></html> <html><center><span style="color:#b7620b;font-size:300%;">Not for public use</span></center></html> {{ :underconstruction.jpg?400 |}} \\ <html><!--- Remark: Given the similar setup, this doc contains numerous reused screen shots from the OMV6 version of this doc. ---></html> ---- \\ <html><center><b>SnapRAID Plugin For OMV7</b></center></html> \\ {{ :omvextras_logo4.jpg?400 |}} ====== SnapRAID Plugin For OMV7 ====== \\ \\ ===== Summary ===== SnapRAID is a backup program for JBOD disk arrays. SnapRAID stores data parity information which enables the recovery of disk failures. SnapRAID is targeted toward home media centers, with a lot of large files that rarely change. However, SnapRAID works well in similar environments were data stores are largely static. Beside the ability to recover from disk failures, other features of SnapRAID are: * All data is hashed to ensure data integrity and to avoid silent corruption. * If failed disks are too many to allow a recovery, only the data on the failed disks is lost. All data on the remainder of disks is safe. * If files are accidentally deleted, they can be recovered. * SnapRAID can be used with disks that already filled. * The disks of the array can be different sizes. * Data disks can be added at any time. * SnapRAID can be removed at any time without the need to reformat or move data. ---- ==== Third Party Software Note ==== While this OMV plugin makes the SnapRAID package easy to integrate into openmediavault, the SnapRAID package itself was created by a third party. See the project / author's -> [[|web page]] for more detailed information and the [[|SnapRAID forum]] for technical support. ===== Prerequisites ===== * [[|OMV-Extras]] must be pre-installed. * An additional (dedicated) drive is required to store SnapRAID parity data. SnapRAID's parity drive must be the same size, or larger, than the largest protected drive. This is a hard requirment. * For reports on drive health and automating SnapRAID administrative tasks, setting up -> [[|Server Notifications]] is **recommended**. * Enabling -> [[|SMART]] and scheduling a weekly short test, for all protected drives, is recommended. * Consider testing the server's ram with a test program like -> [[|memtest86]]. Faulty ram is a known cause for data loss when using SnapRAID. ===== How SnapRAID Works ===== To explain how SnapRAID works, a comparison to RAID5 may be helpfull.\\ ---- \\ <html><center><span style="font-size:200%;"><b>SnapRAID</b></span></center></html> SnapRAID is in between RAID and a Backup program, trying to get the best benefits of both. During normal operation SnapRAID does not affect data in any way.\\ \\ **Features**:\\ * Can protect the contents of multiple disks. Whether disks are independent or pooled is irrelevant. * Filesystem types are irrelevant but simple filesystems, like EXT4, are recommended. * Calculates file parity information on demand. * Different sized disks can be protected without losing storage space. * Can reconstruct a failed hard drive. * Can restore deleted files. * Uses a check summing hash that protects against silent corruption (bit-rot), with the ability to reconstruct corrupted files. * A disk can be added or removed at any time. * Can be removed at any time without the need to recover or move data. {{ :omv6-plugins-snapraid-02.jpg?800 |}} ---- <html><center><span style="font-size:200%;"><b>RAID5</b></span></center></html> Traditional RAID5 stripes data and interleaves parity information across multiple drives.\\ \\ **Features**:\\ * Can aggregate a collection of disks into a pool that appears, to the OS, to be a single drive. * Can use dissimilar sized disks (software RAID) but the array total will limit larger disks to the smallest disk's size. (Hardware RAID may require identical disks.) * Calculates parity on the fly. * An array can operate with one member disk disabled. * Can reconstruct a failed hard drive. * Provides a parallel I/O speed boost. (However, this feature is irrelevant for NAS servers running in 1GB networks.) {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-01.jpg?800 |}} ===== Installation ===== In OMV7's GUI:\\ Under **System**, **Plugins**, find and highlight **openmediavault-snapraid 7.X**, and click the **install** button.\\ \\ ===== Initial Configuration ===== \\ <html><center><span style="font-size:150%;">Naming a SnapRAID Array</span></center></html> \\ ---- Under **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Arrays**, click the Create button {{:omv6-plugins_remote_mount-03-1.jpg?20|}}:. In the **Name** field, specify a name for the new array and **Save**.\\ \\ {{ :omv7-plugins-snapraid-02-1.jpg?800 |}} \\ \\ <html> <body> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="background-color:#69A5FF;height:30px;"> <strong><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:110%;">  Note</span></strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#E6FEFF;height:25px;width:380px;"> Naming a SnapRAID array is a new feature in OMV7 which allows for the creation of independent arrays. However, this feature is not intended for the typical home use case. Multiple SnapRAID arrays are not recommended for users who are unfamiliar with SnapRAID. </tr> </table> </body> </html> ---- <html><center><span style="font-size:150%;">Setting up Protected Disks</span></center></html> \\ \\ Under **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Drives**, click the **Create** button {{:omv6-plugins_remote_mount-03-1.jpg?20|}}:\\ \\ In the **Array** field: Select the name of the previously created array.\\ In the **Drive** field: Select the drop down menu button on the right. Select the first drive to be protected by SnapRAID.\\ In the drive **Name** field: Provide a name for the drive.\\ **Check the boxes** for **Content** and **Data**\\ \\ {{ :omv7-plugins-snapraid-03.jpg?800 |}} \\ <html><center><span><b>Repeat the above process</b> for all data drives that are to be <u>protected</u> by SnapRAID.</span></center></html> \\ <html><center>Click the <b>Save</b> button.</center></html>\\ \\ <html> <body> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="background-color:#69A5FF;height:30px;"> <strong><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:110%;">  Info Note</span></strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#E6FEFF;height:25px;width:380px;"> Since at least one good copy of the Content File is required for a full drive restoration, it's best to have a copy of the Content File on <b>all</b> protected drives. </tr> </table> </body> </html> \\ ---- \\ <html><center><span style="font-size:150%;">Setting up a Parity Drive</span></center></html> \\ Again, the parity disk must be the same size, or larger, than the largest drive in the collection of disks to be protected. This is necessary for storing parity data. In the **Array** field: Select the name of the previously created array. In the **Drive** field: Select the drop down menu button on the right. Select the drive that will be the SnapRAID parity disk.\\ In the **Name** field: Provide a name for the parity drive.\\ **Check the box** for **Parity**.\\ {{ ::omv7-plugins-snapraid-05.jpg?800 |}} \\ <html><center>Click the <b>Save</b> button.</center></html> \\ <html> <body> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="background-color:#69A5FF;height:30px;"> <strong><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:110%;">  Note</span></strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#E6FEFF;height:25px;width:380px;"> Split Parity is a new SnapRAID feature that is supported in OMV7:<br> - While the rule, "<i><b>the parity drive must equal or exceed the size of the largest protected data drive</i></b>" still applies; split parity allows combining smaller drives to create what appears to be a single large parity drive.<br> - New users should note that split parity is an advanced feature that increases admin complexity. Split parity configurations are not recommended for users who are not familiar with SnapRAID. </tr> </table> </body> </html> <html> <body> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="background-color:#FFB663;height:30px;"> <strong><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:110%;">  Warning </span></strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#FFE4A6;height:25px;width:380px;"> <b>Parity drive(s)</b> are reserved <b>exclusively for SnapRAID's use.</b> Attempting to use a Parity drive for any other purpose will compromise SnapRAID's protection and result in bizarre behavior. </tr> </table> </body> </html> ---- \\ <html><center>In this configuration instance, the following is the final result:</center></html> \\ {{ ::omv7-plugins-snapraid-06.jpg?800 |}} \\ ---- ===== SnapRAID Initialization ===== The functions of SnapRAID are supported after the first running of the ''sync'' command. Depending on the amount of data present on protected disks, the initial sync operation may take considerable time. Potentially, it may take hours. If little or no data is present on a protected disk, or set of disks, the ''sync'' operation will be near instant.\\ \\ Under **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Arrays**, select the **Tools Icon** {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-01.jpg?25|}}. Click on **Sync**.\\ A window will pop up that will show the progress of the **Sync** operation.\\ \\ Note, during the very first Sync, a warning may be in the window "content file not found". This is normal, at the end of the Sync, content files will be created.\\ \\ Depending on the amount of data, the Sync operation may take considerable time. When the Sync is done, all files on protected disks will be logged into content files along with their checksums, timestamps, parity data and other information. When the command completes, **END OF LINE** will be displayed. At this point data on protected disks is **SAFE**.\\ \\ The remainder of the tools, under the tools icon, can be used for manual operations within the GUI. Some of these tools are discussed in manual operations. {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-02.jpg?150 |}} ===== SnapRAID Administration ===== There are two methods of SnapRAID Administration and maintenance; **Manual** and **Automated**. This guide will focus, primarily, on using the automation provided by this plugin for managing SnapRAID. However, brief explanations of the manual tools available will be helpful in understanding processes that are automated.\\ ==== Basic Order of Operations ==== The basic order of SnapRAID maintenance operations is; **Diff**, **Sync** and **Scrub**. \\ \\ ---- === Diff === \\ The **Diff** plugin tool is found under **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Arrays**, under the **Tools Icon**. {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-01.jpg?25|}}\\ (The CLI command is ''snapraid diff'')\\ \\ **Diff** (short for "differences") is the first tool used to check protected disks. The Diff tool tallies and displays files added, deleted, modified, etc., since the last sync operation. This information requires administrators to decide, whether or not, the next sync operation should take place. Why? After a sync operation, parity and content information for added, changed or deleted files is __reset__. Once this information has been reset, changed or deleted files //before// the last sync operation can not be recovered.\\ \\ \\ In accordance with the above, it's important to determine the following:\\ - **Were there excessive deletes?**\\ In normal data operations a hand full of user deletes are expected. In some cases, where media servers or downloaders are involve, the number of automated deletes may be higher. Excessive deletes may indicate a data disaster.\\ - **Were there an excessive number of updated or modified files?**\\ In most cases, administrators will have a rough idea of what is normal for updated or modified files. As an example, a huge number of file modifications may indicate a ransomware attack.\\ \\ In either case, if there are excessive deletes or an excessive number of updated / modified files, **Diff** settings within this plugin can be used to __stop__ an automated sync operation, allowing for the recovery of deleted or modified files. (For recovery information see the -> [[|Fix]] tool.)\\ \\ <html><center><b>Diff</b> Tool Sample Output</center></html> {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-06.jpg?600 |}} \\ ---- === Sync === The **Sync** plugin tool is found under **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Arrays**, under the **Tools Icon** {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-01.jpg?25|}}.\\ (The CLI command is ''snapraid sync'') After the initial sync, subsequent sync operations log only new or changed file information into content file(s). Sync also creates new checksums and updates parity information for the same files. Sync does not change checksums or parity information for unaltered files from previous sync operations. After the initial operation, with a small number of added or changed files, sync tends to run quickly. **Sync considerations**: * It's important to note that when checksums and parity information are updated for changed files, it won't be possible to restore files or folders to their previous state. For the same reason, previously deleted files can not be recovered after a Sync. * When Sync is running, avoid adding or deleting files during the process. Otherwise file errors may result. * If automation is used, schedule Sync operations for after hours periods where changing or adding files is unlikely to occur. ---- === Scrub === The **Scrub** plugin tool is found under **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Arrays**, under the **Tools Icon** {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-01.jpg?25|}}.\\ (The CLI command is ''snapraid scrub'')\\ \\ Scrub uses file information and their checksums, to check for the presence and health of files and to detect bad blocks.\\ \\ <html><center>In the following example, command line output was used.</center></html> {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-09.jpg?nolink&800 |}} ---- If bad blocks are found, during the Scrub, SnapRAID **status** will list them. (In the GUI, **SnapRAID status** is found under **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Arrays**, under the **Information icon**. {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-03.jpg?100 |}} \\ The **Fix** command, executed on the command line, will repair bad blocks.\\ Use ''snapraid -e fix'' to recover them.\\ Then use ''snapraid -p bad scrub''\\ ---- === Fix === The **Fix** plugin tool is found under **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Arrays**, under the **Tools Icon** {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-01.jpg?25|}}.\\ (The CLI command is ''snapraid fix'')\\ \\ If files are missing, that were not intentionally deleted, use the **Fix** tool to recover them. \\ {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-08.jpg?nolink&800 |}} \\ If using the plugin's **Fix** tool for undeleting files or for returning files to their previous state, realize that using the tool is a "shotgun" approach. The **Fix** tool will restore __ALL__ deleted files and restore __ALL__ changed files to their previous state, as of the last Sync operation. (However, when in doubt, this may to be the safest approach.)\\ For guidance on using the **Fix** command more selectively on the command line, on a "per file" basis, see the -> [[|SnapRAID Faq]] for details.\\ \\ \\ === Summary === * **Diff** checks for the number of added, deleted, changed and/or restored files, before a Sync operation. If Diff output is found to have excessive deletes or unexplained changed files, Diff output can be used to halt a Sync operation, until the administrator can examine potential issues. If an excessive number of files have been deleted or changed, the **Fix** command should be used to correct potential problems. Correcting potential issues is necessary, before running Sync. (After Sync runs, previous file alterations or deletions will be permanent.) * **Sync** adds new files to content file(s), assigns checksums to new files and resets checksums to existing but changed files. Sync also calculates parity information for new files and updates parity information for changed files. * **Scrub** checks for parity errors and bad blocks. Scrub should be done after a sync operation to avoid errors caused by deleted or changed files. \\ ---- ===== Automation ===== Automation of SnapRAID housekeeping is done with what is known as a "**Diff Script**".\\ \\ In a Diff script, the first command **Diff**, checks primarily for deleted, changed or added files. Inputs to this script set thresholds on what is (or is not) allowed before running the next command.\\ The second command, **Sync**, catalogues new files and assigns checksums and creates parity information for them. **Sync** also updates checksums and parity information for changed files.\\ Finally the third command, **Scrub**, is run to check the health of a specified percentage of existing files.\\ \\ This plugin provides **Diff script functionality**, with user provided inputs, that can be varied according to the user's use case. After commands are run, the plugin will provide the user with an e-mail of the outputs from each command.\\ \\ ==== Diff Script Setup ==== \\ Under, **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Settings**: \\ \\ <html><center>The following screen is where various parameters for the SnapRAID plugin's Diff script are set.</center></html> \\ {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-10.jpg?nolink&800 |}} \\ **1**. For most users, the defaults in these fields are fine.\\ **2**. **Send Mail** will work only if users have configured and tested notifications, as outlined here -> [[|Server Notifications]]. Configuring Server Notifications and selecting **Send Mail** is highly recommended.\\ **3**. **Run Scrub** This is a recommended action to complete the SnapRAID maintenance cycle. While **Diff** and **Sync** run quickly, dependent of the size of protected disks and other factors, **Scrub** may take considerable time.\\ **4**. **Pre-hash** is an option that is used together with the** Sync** command. **Pre-hash** assigns a checksum before parity calculations are done. It's an extra safety measure that reads data two times to insure integrity.\\ **5**. **Scrub Percentage** and **Scrub Frequency**. These parameters are options that are used with the Scrub command.\\ - When Scrub Frequency is specified, (in this instance "10" is used) the scrub command will not scrub files that have been scrubbed at any time during the last 10 days.\\ - When Scrub Percentage is specified, (in this instance "25" is used) the scrub command will scrub 25% of all protected files that have not been scrubbed during the last 10 days. If more than 25% of __all__ files have __not__ been scrubbed in the last 10 days, the oldest 25% of these files will be scrubbed.\\ \\ With a scrub percentage of 25, with scrubs scheduled to run once a week, the entire array will be scrubbed once a month. Depending on the amount of data on protected disks and the time involved in scrubbing protected disks, these parameters may need adjustment.\\ \\ **6**. The **Update Threshold** and **Delete Threshold** are parameters for the Diff script. * **Update Threshold** sets the upper limit allowed for new files and updated / altered files. * **Delete Threshold** sets the upper limit for allowed file deletes. If either of the above thresholds are exceeded, a Sync and Scrub will not be performed. The Diff script will halt these operations and an E-mail will be sent to the user admin advising of the result. (As noted in the GUI, if these thresholds are set to **0**, Sync and Scrub will be performed regardless.) \\ <html><center>Finally, <b>Save</b> changes and take note of the button to "<b>Schedule Diff</b>", next to the <b>Save</b> button.</center></html> \\ \\ ---- \\ === Scheduling the Diff Script === In the screen shown above, click on **Schedule Diff**. The **Scheduled Diff** window will appear as follows. This example is configured as follows: * The **Enabled** box is checked. **Under Time of execution**: * As shown in **Minute** and **Hour**, the Diff Script will start at **01:05AM** * In this case, under **Day of the week**, jobs are run only on **Sunday**. * Check the **Send command output via email**. * Finally, click the **Save** button. {{ :omv6-plugins-snapraid-11.jpg?nolink&800 |}} \\ <html><center>In this case, the previously configured <b>Diff Script</b> is scheduled to run at <b>01:05AM</b>, every <b>Sunday</b>.</center></html> <html><center>Command outputs will be sent to the user/admin when all commands are complete.</center></html> \\ ---- === Diff Script Considerations === A consideration, when running the Diff Script, is to //prevent// file changes, additions or deletions, between a Sync operation and the subsequent Scrub operation. If file changes occur during these operations, SnapRAID errors will result. To prevent these errors from occurring, it's best to automate the Diff Script and run it after-hours when users are unlikely to add or change files.\\ \\ When it comes to speed of operations, in most use cases, **Diff** and **Sync** will be fast. However, depending on the scrub percentage chosen, the total amount of data on the collection of protected disks, the speed of protected disks and other factors, a **Scrub** may take **several hours**. If large amounts of data exist within a SnapRAID array, to keep the Scrub operation within a reasonable period of time, it may be necessary to __reduce__ the percentage scrubbed. As an anecdotal example, if it takes 10 hours to scrub 50% of an array, it will take 5 hours to scrub 25% of the array. Adjusting the percentage scrubbed and the interval in Scrub Frequency may be necessary to keep a Scrub within an after hours window. \\ \\ ===== Notes ===== * Docker Containers that are stored on data drives should be paused or stopped during a sync. Otherwise Sync errors may result. * It is recommended that SnapRAID's parity drive is relatively new and closely monitored using SMART. Without parity data, recoveries are not possible. * For a better understanding of the SnapRAID works and it's features, reading the -> [[|SnapRAID manual]] is recommended. \\ \\ ==== Other Useful Command Line Tools ==== ''snapraid touch'' \\ If files are detected with "**zero sub-second timestamps**", the command ''snapraid touch'' will correct this.\\ \\ ''sync --force-full''\\ If parity issues with the parity drive are persistent and the user admin is reasonably sure there are no data issues, the command ''sync --force-full'' may correct the problem. Since this command is the rough equivalent of the a "first sync", depending on the amount of data on protected disks, it may take several hours to complete.\\ ---- \\ \\ {{ :divider2.png?nolink&800 |}} ===== Recovery Operations ===== Recovery operation examples for single files, missing files, etc., are provided in the -> [[|SnapRAID FAQ]] page. ==== Recovering a Failed Drive ==== === General === One of the more desirable features of SnapRAID is it's ability to restore data to a replacement drive. There are, however, many factors to consider when dealing with a failing hard drive.\\ \\ Contrary to popular belief, spinning drives rarely fail "all at once" as if turning off a light switch off. In many cases, drives will begin to reallocate sectors among other symptoms that indicate that they are beginning to fail. If these symptoms are ignored, the drive may begin to corrupt data that is stored on it or written to it.\\ \\ Configuring -> [[|Server Notifications]] and configuring -> [[|SMART]], as recommend, will go a long way toward providing as much notice as possible that a hard drive is begining to fail. If user / admins receive SMART advisory E-mails regarding a particular drive, take note of the -> [[|SMART attributes]] that are associated with drive failure. In addition, the SnapRAID plugin has a "drive failure probability" indicator. It can be found under; **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Drives**. Under the **Info** button {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-04.jpg?20|}} select **SMART** from the drop down menu.\\ \\ When it has been determined that a drive is beginning to fail, it is crucial that user / admins **DO NOT** run the **Diff Script** OR a manual **Sync** operation. \\ \\ === Prepare for Drive Replacement === Replacing a failing or failed drive, requires a number of preliminary steps: * First it's crucial that the **Diff script**, if automated, is turned **OFF**. * Do not run a **Snyc** operation until after the replacement is completed. * If user / admins have automated processes (downloaders, media centers, etc.) that save or move files on protected drives, they should be paused or turned off. * Server users should be informed to not use the server during the drive replacement. (This could be enforced by temporarily disabling file sharing services like SMB or NFS.) ---- === Failure Scenario === \\ In the following scenario, a SnapRAID protected drive has failed completely.\\ \\ When server notifications are -> [[|configured as recommended]] , user / admins are notified by e-mail of **file system failures** and other issues.\\ \\ {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-14.jpg?nolink&600 |}} ---- <html><center>Under <b>Storage</b>, <b>File Systems</b>, a drive is "<b>missing</b>".</center></html> \\ {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-12.jpg?nolink&800 |}} \\ ---- <html><center><b>Physically remove the drive.</b></center></html> <html><center>If necessary, refer to <b>Storage</b>, <b>Disks</b> and compare serial numbers to drive device names under <b>Storage</b>, <b>File Systems</b>. The idea is to look at the drive's physical label and find the serial number that is "missing" (not displayed), to insure that the correct physical drive is removed.</center></html> \\ {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-19.jpg?nolink&800 |}} ---- <html><center>After physically removing the failed or failing drive, add the new drive while noting it's serial number, and boot up.</center></html> <html><center>In this same location (<b>Storage</b>, <b>Disks</b>) <b>wipe</b> the new drive.</center></html> <html><center>In this example case, the new drive is <b>/dev/sde</b> .</center></html> {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-20.jpg?nolink&800 |}} <html><center>In the majority of cases, a "<b>Quick</b>" <b>wipe</b> is sufficient.</center></html> ---- Under **Storage**, **Filesystems**: Click the "**Create and Mount a File System**" button {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-08.jpg?20|}}:.\\ In this example case, the file system selected from the pop-down will be **EXT4**.\\ In the **Device *** pop-down, **/dev/sde** is selected.\\ Click the **Save** button. {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-21.jpg?nolink&800 |}} <html><center>When the format is complete, click the <b>Close</b> button.</center></html> ---- The following **Mount** window will be immediately presented.\\ In the **File system *** field, click the pop-down **arrow** and select the previously formatted drive (**/dev/sde**) to be mounted.\\ \\ {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-22.jpg?nolink&600 |}} \\ <html><center>Click <b>Save</b> and <b>apply</b> the configuration change.</center></html> \\ ---- <html><center>Under <b>Storage</b>, <b>File Systems</b>:</center></html> <html><center><b>/dev/sde1</b> appears, empty and formatted to <b>EXT4</b>.</center></html> {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-23.jpg?nolink&600 |}} ---- <html><center>Under <b>Services</b>, <b>SnapRAID</b>, <b>Drives</b>:</center></html> Highlight each drive, one at a time, and click on the **Edit** icon {{:OMV6-Plugins-SnapRAID-05-07.jpg?20|}}:. \\ {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-16.jpg?nolink&800 |}} \\ ---- <html><center>A normal drive entry appears as follows.</center></html> {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-17.jpg?nolink&800 |}} ---- <html><center>A missing drive appears as follows.</center></html> <html><center>(The Drive Field is Blank.)</center></html> \\ {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-18.jpg?nolink&800 |}} ---- <html><center>In the <b>Drive field</b>, using the pop-down arrow, select the new drive that has been wiped and formatted from the list.</center></html> <html><center>(In this case <b>/dev/sde1</b>)</center></html> {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:omv7-plugins-snapraid-24.jpg?nolink&800 |}} <html><center><b>Save</b> and <b>Apply</b> the configuration change.</center></html> \\ <html><center>At this point, the failed drive has been <u>replaced</u> with a new formatted but blank drive.</center></html> ---- === Restore Data === In the same window (**Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Drives**) select the **Tools icon** {{:OMV6-Plugins-SnapRAID-05-01.jpg?20|}}:, and select **Fix** from the pop-down menu list. Depending on the size and speed of the drive and the amount of data, the **Fix** command may run for several hours.\\ When **END OF LINE** is displayed, the **Fix** operation is complete.\\ \\ <html><center>The following is the end of this example's output.</center></html> \\ {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-26.jpg?nolink&600 |}} \\ <html><center>(The UNRECOVERABLE error may be due to a change made <i>after</i> the last **Sync** operation, that cannot be restored.)</center></html> ---- Under, **Services**, **SnapRAID**, **Drives**, select the **Tools icon** {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-01.jpg?25|}}. In the pop-down menu select **Sync**. This will **update the content file** with the **new drive's UUID**. (This is noted in the Sync output window.) \\ This concludes data restoration to a SnapRAID protected drive.\\ **MergerFS users** skip see the section below titled; **Replacing a Failed Drive in MergerFS**.\\ ---- The remainder of tasks, within OMV, would be to repointing **Shared Folders** and other services to the replacement drive. To repoint shared folders, see the guidance provided -> [[|here]].\\ \\ When all references to the failed drive have been redirected to the new drive, or removed, under **Storage**, **File Systems**, the "**Referenced**" check mark should be removed. Highlight the **missing** drive, **unmount** it and **Apply** the change.\\ \\ Finally, re-enable all automated tasks (Diff script) enable SMB network sharing (if previously disabled) and inform users that shares are available.\\ \\ \\ ---- === Replacing a Failed Drive in MergerFS === <html> <body> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="background-color:#69A5FF;height:30px;"> <strong><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:110%;">  Note</span></strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background-color:#E6FEFF;height:25px;width:380px;"> Device names, dev/sda1, dev/sdb1, etc., may be reordered when a device goes "missing". Device name designations are dependent on BIOS and are subject to change after a reboot. </tr> </table> </body> </html> \\ \\ Add the **Mount Point** column:\\ Under **Storage**, **File Systems**, Select the **Column Icon**, {{:omv6-plugins-snapraid-05-05.jpg?25|}}, and select Mount Point.\\ \\ {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-13.jpg?100 |}} \\ ---- \\ The result now shows mount points by **UUID** (**U**niversally **U**nique **ID**entifier). Where device names may be reordered by BIOS or UEFI on bootup, UUID's do not change.\\ Note the "Copy and Paste" Icon{{:OMV6-Plugins-SnapRAID-05-06.jpg?25|}} at the end of each drive UUID. This tool copies exact drive paths and UUID's to the clipboard.\\ {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-15.jpg?nolink&1000 |}} \\ <html><center>In this case, the failed drive UUID is:</center></html> <html><center>/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-dfa2df17-9764-4a47-8e9d-9a36ff74ca37</center></html> \\ <html><center>The replacement drive, now fully populated with data, is:</center></html> <html><center>/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-2a0846e5-9e1d-4624-85ac-fd781dd33748</center></html> \\ **Note:** It may be helpful to paste the above information into Notepad or other text editor.\\ ---- Under **Storage**, **mergerfs**, Highlight the MergerFS array click the **Edit** icon {{:OMV6-Plugins-SnapRAID-05-07.jpg?25|}}. {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-27.jpg?nolink&800 |}} <html><center>Click on the right side of the failed drive entry, ending in ca37, and backspace the entry out to remove it.</center></html> \\ ---- \\ <html><center>Then, using copy and paste, paste in the replacement drive's path and UUID, then <b>Save</b> and <b>Apply</b> the change.</center></html> {{ ::omv6-plugins-snapraid-28.jpg?nolink&600 |}} ---- Under **Storage**, **File Systems**, the **missing** drive should no longer be "**Referenced**". Highlight the **missing** drive, **unmount** it and **Apply** the change.\\ Finally, re-enable all automated tasks and enable network shares (if previously disabled.)\\ \\ This concludes adding a SnapRAID restored drive to a MergerFS array.\\ \\ \\ ===== Source Code ===== -> [[|Source Code]] ===== A Closing Note ===== We, who support the openmediavault project, hope you’ve found this guide to be useful and that you’ll find your openmediavault server to be efficient, easy to use, and enjoyable.\\ \\ If you found this plugin guide to be helpful, please consider a modest donation to support the hosting costs of this server.\\ \\ **** \\ <html> <form action="" method="post" target="_top"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="2BQNGSC8HQJME"> <input type="image" src="" name="submit" title="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" alt="Donate with PayPal button" border="0"> <img alt="" src="" width="1" height="1" border="0"> </form> </html> \\ \\ **Venmo: ryecoaaron** \\ docs_in_draft/snapraid.txt Last modified: 2025/02/24 15:17by crashtest