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Docker in OMV 7

Docker in OMV 7

Docker in OMV 7


Go to -> OMV forum This document establishes a method to successfully install any application on OMV using Docker.

The OMV forum is a bi-directional tool. Provides users with solutions to their problems. It provides developers with information about user problems and allows them to implement appropriate solutions in software and methods.

In the case of Docker, the forum has received numerous queries about very diverse problems. Based on that forum experience, this document offers a simple method for configuring Docker that fixes the vast majority of these problems before they arise.


What is Docker

Go to -> “ A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. A Docker container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings.

Container images become containers at runtime and in the case of Docker containers – images become containers when they run on Docker Engine. Available for both Linux and Windows-based applications, containerized software will always run the same, regardless of the infrastructure. Containers isolate software from its environment and ensure that it works uniformly despite differences for instance between development and staging. ”

That's all very well, but… :-) What the hell is docker? :-)

What? That definition is very good and very professional, but it is of little use to people on the street, so we will try to explain in an easier way what docker is and how it works. If you are an experienced docker user you will probably want to skip this part. If this is your first time using docker, keep reading.

Docker is a system that allows you to run an application within your server as if it were an independent and isolated system. It has its own processes and its own file system and network, which are independent of the main (host) server. The container cannot access the file systems or network systems of the host, and vice versa, that is why we say that it is isolated, therefore it cannot harm the system in any way. It is safe.

In reality docker is very similar to a virtual machine. The difference is that docker uses some of the most general resources in the system while a virtual machine is a complete system. This makes containers designed for different architectures. A container designed for Raspberry PI (arm architecture) will not work on an Intel processor system (amd64 architecture) and vice versa. You should keep this in mind when choosing a container to install on your system.

At this point it is good to remember that the 32-bit architecture is obsolete, little by little 32-bit containers are disappearing. If your system supports 64 bits, never install 32 bits, install 64 bits. 32-bits

The operation of docker is very simple. Someone on the Internet packages a system into a file we call an image. This image contains the necessary packages for the application we want to use to work. Docker downloads that image, installs it on our server and runs it. We already have a container working.

Now the creator of that image does the corresponding maintenance and publishes a new updated image. Docker is responsible for downloading it automatically and replacing the one we had with the new one. Docker runs it and we have our container updated and working.

So far so good. But now we want to configure certain information in our application, for example a password to access that application. We could “enter” the container and make that configuration by writing to the /folderpass/password file inside the container. That would work, but on the next image update that /folderpass/password file will be overwritten and the settings will be lost. To solve this Docker allows folder mapping.

Mapping a folder means that Docker will make a configuration such that when the container writes to the /folderpass/password file it will actually be writing to an external folder, a folder located on our server file system. This way, when we update the container image, all its files will be overwritten except /folder/password, since this folder is not in the container but in the file system of the host server, and when the container is running it will be able to continue reading the password that we have stored in our server file system. As an added bonus, mapping a folder makes it easier to manipulate the files in that folder from the server without needing to enter the container.

In the same way that Docker maps folders it can also map network ports, we can map port 3800 that the container uses internally to any port on our server, for example 4100, the container will send data packets to port 3800 internally but Docker will that these packets be sent through port 4100 of our server. 998 We can also map users. And this is important to understand. The container will work internally as root, but we can make that user be another user on the server, for example the user superman. From that moment on, everything the container does to the mapped files or ports will not be done by root, it will be done by superman. That allows us to restrict the permissions of that container, we only have to restrict the permissions of the superman user of our system. We will give the user superman write permissions to the /folderpass/password file on our system so that he can write or modify that file but we will not give him permissions to write to any other folders. In this way we ensure that the container remains isolated.

To define all these container configurations the openmediavault-compose plugin uses docker-compose for its simplicity. Using a configuration file of a few lines we define the mappings and other configurations of a container and then we execute it.

To map a user we define the PUID value, the user's identifier, and to map the group it will be the PGID value, the group's identifier. In the OMV GUI we can see the PUID value for each user in the USERS > USERS tab by opening the UID and GID columns using the icon at the top right. So if the user superman has the values ​​1004 and 100, in the compose file we would do something like this:

- PUID=1004

- PGID=100

The way to map a folder (volume) in docker-compose is something like this:

- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-9d43cda9-20e5-474f-b38b-6b2b6c03211a/appdata/folderpass:/folderpass

That could be one of the lines in the compose file that defines a container. This line is divided into two parts. To the left of the : we have /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-9d43cda9-20e5-474f-b38b-6b2b6c03211a/appdata/folderpass which is the path of a real folder on our server, in our file system. On the right of the : we have /folderpass which is the path of a folder within the container, in its own file system.

  Beginners Info
All that long string of numbers is the path of one of our disks on the server and inside that disk we have an appdata folder and inside we create the folderpass folder
Filesystem mount paths are usually in the /srv folder and the following folder contains a uuid to uniquely identify that drive. That folder is the mount folder for that hard drive. You should never modify the permissions of that folder or use it to create a shared folder. Create a folder inside to use as a shared folder.

From now on, every time the root user of the container writes to its /folderpass folder, what will really be happening is that the superman user will be writing to our /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-9d43cda9-20e5-474f-b38b-6b2b6c03211a/appdata/folderpass folder from our server. The content of that folder is what we call persistent data. Naturally we must give permission to the superman user on our server to write to that folder or the container will throw an error.

The advantage of all this is that the container is limited to writing to that folder. We could be unlucky enough to download an image that has harmful code inside. Or if that container was exposed to the internet and had a security hole, perhaps it could be hacked. In this case the hacker could take control of the root user of the container. The advantage is that that root user on our system is actually the superman user, and in this case, no matter how superman he is, he can only write to the /folderpass folder, so he cannot access our server in any way. The user superman does not have permissions to write or read any other files on our server. Contained threat.

Conclusion. Never map the container user to the root user of the server, unless it is absolutely necessary and the container developer is fully trusted. If there were a security hole in that container, your server would be at the mercy of the hacker, since they would have permissions for everything. Related to this, never include the user running a container in the docker group, this is another story but doing that allows that user to escalate permissions to root.

If you're reading this, it's probably your first time using Docker. Docker may seem complicated at first glance, but once you get over the initial learning curve, setting up and installing a container literally takes less than 30 seconds. Keep going.

User and permission management in docker and OMV. More security.

You are interested in reading this even if you are an experienced docker user but have no experience with OMV.

Hacker The security mechanism of docker is that the permissions that the container has on our system are equivalent to the permissions that the user mapped to that container has. The easiest way to manage this is to create a user in the OMV GUI to run all the containers, let's call it appuser, this way we will give appuser permission to write/read the folders that all the containers need, and also appuser will never have access to system files. We achieve some security and control.

This may work for most users but can be improved. Let's analyze this in detail.

OMV has a special feature regarding creating users in the GUI. The primary user group for all users created in the GUI is the users group, GID=100. We can add a user to other groups but their primary group will always remain 100 and we cannot modify this.

Another feature of OMV is that shared folder creation defaults to owner root and owner group users. In addition, the permissions are read/write for the owner, read/write for the owner group and read for others, unless you modify it at the time of creating that shared folder.

The result of all of the above is that, at the time of creating a shared folder, any user created in the OMV GUI by default has read and write permissions on any shared folder. This is then restricted by individually managing the permissions of each shared folder or each user. To do this OMV uses a samba-based permissions system, an upper layer of permissions applied on top of filesystem-level permissions that allows it to enforce these restrictions.

All of this may be convenient for managing permissions on the NAS but it has security implications that need to be considered from a docker point of view. Expand image -> Folder permissions

Therefore, we have created in the GUI a user called appuser that belongs to group 100 and has read/write access to all folders by default. The way to restrict appuser permissions is to customize this user's permissions in the GUI and ensure that they only have access to the folders that the containers need. If we do nothing, appuser will have access to all folders, even those not needed by the container. Important point. We don't want, for example, jellyfin to be able to access the documents folder if it's not necessary, just access the media folder, and maybe only with read permissions.

Up to this point we have some security, but there is still room for further improvement. At this point we have a user called appuser with access permissions to all the folders that the containers need. But it turns out that we implement a container that needs access to the documents folder, like Nextcloud or Duplicati. If we configure it with the user appuser we will have to give it access to the documents folder. At this point jellyfin will also have access to the documents folder. This may not be convenient if we are exposing jellyfin to the internet and the container is compromised at some point.

In this case, the only way to guarantee the separation of permissions in the containers is to create different users for each container. Then we could create a user in the OMV GUI named jellyfin for the jellyfin container and a user named nextcloud for the nextcloud container. In this way we can guarantee that each of them accesses only the folders they need. We have improved security a little more.

Regarding the group 100 of those users we still have a small problem. Belonging to that group grants default permissions to those users on all those folders and files that allow it, most if not all those created by the users. And here we must consider that all the files created by the containers are actually being created by a user who is in group 100. That is, the persistent data files generated by the containers will continue to belong to the users group GID=100. That means the jellyfin container could access the configuration files of the nextcloud container and vice versa.

If we want to improve this we have no choice but to go to CLI to create users who are not in group 100, since the OMV GUI does not allow doing so. Then in CLI we will execute the following command:

useradd -U jellyfin

We have created a user jellyfin and its primary group is jellyfin. If we go to the GUI we can check that this user actually appears in the USERS > USERS tab and if we look at the PID and GID columns we will see their identifiers and we will see that they belong to the jellyfin group, not to the users group whose GID would be 100. In the USERS > GROUPS tab we can see that the jellyfin group has also been created, although it apparently has no users. This is because of the way OMV manages permissions using Samba permissions, we have created that user in CLI, therefore OMV has not included it in its primary group. You can simply edit that group and add the jellyfin user to the jellyfin group.

Done. We now have a user jellyfin with a primary group jellyfin that we can assign to the jellyfin container and we can guarantee that it will only have access to the folders we give it permission to. The jellyfin user will not be able to access any other folder on the system since it does not belong to the users group. Additionally, the persistent data in the jellyfin container will belong to the jellyfin user and the jellyfin group, so no other container will be able to access those files either. If we want another user to have access to that persistent data we just have to include it in the jellyfin group. Now we have that container perfectly isolated.

In this document we will use a single user called appuser and created in the GUI for simplicity. Consider your use case and whether or not you need to go further.

Install and configure Docker

1. Installation

Expand image -> Installation In OMV7's GUI:
Under SYSTEM > OMV-EXTRAS Click on the DOCKER REPO button and click on the SAVE button. Now the docker repository is activated and you can install the compose plugin and docker.
Under SYSTEM > PLUGINS find and highlight openmediavault-compose 7.X, and click the INSTALL button.

Do not uninstall the openmediavault-sharerootfs plugin. It is a dependency of the openmediavault-compose plugin. Uninstalling openmediavault-sharerootfs when the openmediavault-compose plugin is installed will cause the openmediavault-compose plugin to be uninstalled.

2. Plugin Settings

The first step is to define some folders where the different data is stored. To do this, we go to the SERVICES > COMPOSE > SETTINGS tab.

The image below shows an example schematic that may be typical of any OMV NAS. The explanations in this document from now on will be based on this example system. Your system will probably be different, adapt the explanations to your real system.

  Beginners Info
Installing OMV on a pendrive may seem strange to a beginner, but you will also be surprised to know that a large part of professional-level servers boot from a pendrive.
Doing this has many advantages and no disadvantages. The speed of the system does not suffer at all since practically everything is done in RAM.
The longevity of the pendrive is guaranteed by the openmediavault-flashmemory plugin, which is responsible for avoiding excessive writing that could degrade it.
In addition to all this, it will be very easy to make backup copies, you will only have to make an image of that pendrive with usbimager on your PC. And even more important, restoring the system is extremely easy, cloning a pendrive from an image is very simple and fast.
And finally, from a docker point of view, installing OMV on a pendrive will make it easier for us to separate the operating system and docker, using that fast SSD or NVMe drive where it is really necessary, in the docker storage. The OMV pendrive will not occupy a SATA port or the NVMe port on the motherboard.
If your system is already installed and configured you can easily move the OMV configuration to a pendrive with omv-regen.

On the right you can see how the plugin's SETTINGS tab could be configured following this diagram. If your system is simpler or more complicated, adapt it accordingly. A simpler system could be one drive for OMV and another drive for data, in which case just create all the necessary folders on the data drive. Expand image -> Docker folders

In any case, the main recommendation here is to keep docker data and the OMV operating system separate.

  Beginners Info
Separating Docker from the operating system unit offers several advantages (this may surprise a user new to Linux, but things work differently on Linux than on Windows):
- If Docker is installed along with the operating system, Docker data will be lost if you need to reinstall OMV for any reason. For a possible reinstall of OMV, having the docker data on a separate drive only requires mounting that drive and everything is back up and running in a matter of minutes.
- Avoid rootfs filling problems. Depending on the number and type of containers, it is very possible to exhaust rootfs storage if docker is located next to the operating system, this causes a lot of problems.
- Allows you to place docker on a higher speed drive. The OMV operating system does not need to be on fast storage, it can live perfectly on a pendrive (just remember to install openmediavault-flashmemory to ensure the longevity of the pendrive). However, Docker containers will benefit from increased execution speed if docker is installed on a high-access speed drive, such as an SSD or NVMe.
- Installing OMV on a USB flash drive is a good idea. But installing docker also on that pendrive is detrimental to the pendrive because docker will perform continuous writes, penalizing the longevity of the pendrive despite openmediavault-flashmemory.
- If you don't have a fast drive you can install docker on one of the data drives. The applications won't go as fast but at least they will be separated from rootfs.

You can call these folders whatever you prefer. In this document, the names that reflect the previous images have been adopted for illustrative purposes, but you can decide what you want to call them and how to locate them. Following this scheme, the folders are the following:

We will see them below one by one:

If you already have data on the NAS you will probably already have the data folder created, not necessarily with the same name.





3. Create appuser

If you have read the introduction of this document you already know if the appuser user is enough for you or you need something else. If you are happy with this user for some or all of the containers go ahead, otherwise customize it as above.

Expand image -> UID-GID

Except for very controlled special cases, never designate the admin user (UID=998) or the root user (UID=0) to manage a container. This is a serious security flaw.
If we do this we are giving the container complete freedom to do whatever it wants in our system. Have you created this container? Do you know what he is capable of doing?

4. Global environmental variables

Global environment variables will be used in the procedure that follows this document.

The plugin allows you to define global environment variables in a file that will be available to all running containers. This means that the variables defined in this file can be used in the different compose files. When you start a container, docker will replace those variables with their real values.

This is very useful for defining paths to folders or the user running the container. We define these values ​​once and have them updated automatically in all containers.

Example: Expand image -> OMV System

# Customize the PID and GID value of your appuser user.
# You can see it in the OMV GUI in the USERS > USERS tab
# Customize your time zone value.
# You can see it in the OMV GUI in the SYSTEM > DATE & TIME tab
# In this file you can define how many paths you need for different compose files.
# The following are examples corresponding to the example system in the Docker on OMV document on the omv-extras wiki.
    container_name: jellyfin
      - ${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/jellyfin/config:/config
      - ${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/jellyfin/cache:/cache
      - ${PATH_TO_MEDIA}:/media
      - 8096:8096
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: jellyfin
      - PUID=1002
      - PGID=100
      - TZ=Europe/Madrid
      - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-9d43cda9-20e5-474f-b38b-6b2b6c03211a/appdata/jellyfin/config:/config
      - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-9d43cda9-20e5-474f-b38b-6b2b6c03211a/appdata/jellyfin/cache:/cache
      - /srv/mergerfs/pool/data/media:/media
      - 8096:8096
    restart: unless-stopped

What this variable system does is convert the variables that we have defined in the compose file into the actual values ​​that we need to define in the compose file. If we are only creating one compose file it may not make much sense, but it is very useful when there are several compose files.

The advantage of using this system is that we define the compose file once and never need to modify it. Even if we reinstall the OMV system we just need to update those global variables and all our containers will be up to date and continue to work as before.

At this time, the plugin fully supports global environment variables, even while using the plugin's backup utility, so there is no reason to use symlinks. But if you want to use them for some reason, you can still do so.
If you don't want to use environment variables, simply write the full values ​​to the compose files without using variables.

Configuring a container step by step (Jellyfin)

Choose a container

Go to ->

Go to ->

  Beginners Info
You will find containers where the creator has not published a compose file. Containers can be run from the CLI with a command line. The plugin uses docker-compose for easy setup but you need that compose file. If you can't find it, you can build it yourself using Composerize and starting from that container's docker command. There is a prepared Composerize container in the plugin's examples list.
Go to ->

    container_name: jellyfin
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
      - JELLYFIN_PublishedServerUrl= #optional
      - CHANGE_TO_COMPOSE_DATA_PATH/jellyfin/library:/config
      - CHANGE_TO_COMPOSE_DATA_PATH/jellyfin/tvseries:/data/tvshows
      - CHANGE_TO_COMPOSE_DATA_PATH/jellyfin/movies:/data/movies
      - 8096:8096
      - 8920:8920 #optional
      - 7359:7359/udp #optional
      - 1900:1900/udp #optional
    restart: unless-stopped

Verify on the official page that this compose file has not changed before installing it

  Beginners Info
A compose file is a yaml format file that is used to define the configurations that docker will adjust to the downloaded image to form the container.
The parts of this composition file for jellyfin are as follows:
services: It is always the first line and gives way to the definition of the different services.
jellyfin: Is the name of a service in this compose file. In this case there is only one but there could be more.
image: Defines where the container is downloaded from, in this case linuxserver. This value may have options to download different versions of images. In this case the word latest indicates that the latest available version will always be downloaded.
container_name: Simply the name of the container for this service, in this case jellyfin.
environment In this section some environment values ​​are defined, such as in this case the user who will run the container, the time zone, or others.
volumes Here we define the folder mounts in the container.
ports To define port mounts.
restart Tells docker how we want the container to behave when the server starts, etc. In this case, the container will always be running unless we stop it manually.

Customize the compose file

Expand image -> OMV System The next thing we need to do is adapt the container configurations so that it works on our system. We will see it below step by step.

The first line contains a link to the website of the container developer, useful to reach quickly and take a look. It is always a good idea to read the editor's comments to familiarize yourself with the options and check that the container is valid for your architecture (x86, arm…) or see special configurations that we may need.

To customize this compose file we will follow the system example used in the previous point of this document and the generated environmental global variables file, which is as follows:

# Customize the PID and GID value of your appuser user.
# You can see it in the OMV GUI in the USERS > USERS tab
# Customize your time zone value.
# You can see it in the OMV GUI in the SYSTEM > DATE & TIME tab
# In this file you can define how many paths you need for different compose files.
# The following are examples corresponding to the example system in the Docker on OMV document on the omv-extras wiki.

    container_name: jellyfin
      - PUID=${APPUSER_PUID}  # See Comment 1
      - PGID=${APPUSER_PGID}  # See Comment 1
      - TZ=${TIME_ZONE_VALUE}   # See Comment 2
      #- JELLYFIN_PublishedServerUrl=   # See Comment 3
      - ${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/jellyfin/config:/config   # See Comment 4
      - CHANGE_TO_COMPOSE_DATA_PATH/media:/media   # See Comment 4
    devices:   # See Comment 5
      - /dev/dri:/dev/dri   # See Comment 5
      - 8096:8096   # See Comment 6
    restart: unless-stopped

  Beginners Warning
This file is in Yaml format, indentations are important. If you do not respect the indentations, Docker will not be able to interpret the configuration file and the container will give an error and will not start.
Whenever you ask for help on the forum, post the compose file in a code box to show the indentations so you can get help. To create a code box in the forum press the corresponding button in the toolbar. Hides sensitive data, such as passwords, email addresses, etc.


Expand image -> Users


When you run that container, what will actually be executed is the following. If you don't want to use global environment variables you can do it just like this. It will work the same way:

    container_name: jellyfin
      - PUID=1002
      - PGID=100
      - TZ=Europe/Madrid
      - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-9d43cda9-20e5-474f-b38b-6b2b6c03211a/system/appdata/jellyfin/config:/config
      - /srv/mergerfs/pool/data/media:/media
      - /dev/dri:/dev/dri
      - 8096:8096
    restart: unless-stopped

Deploy the Container and access the application

Expand image -> Deploy the compose file

Help request on the OMV forum

Expand image -> Forum help

Examples of configuration of some containers

Once the global environment variables file is configured, implementing containers is very simple. Some examples may be those listed below.

In each of them the container has been configured following the system and folder scheme outlined in this document. Adapt it to your server configuration if it is different.


Useful application to make encrypted, versioned, compressed and deduplicated backups locally or remotely. Go to ->

    container_name: duplicati
      #- CLI_ARGS= #optional
      - ${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/duplicati/config:/config
      - ${PATH_TO_BACKUPS}/duplicati/backups:/backups
      - ${PATH_TO_DOCUMENTS}:/source/documents:ro   # :ro makes the container only have read access to this volume
      - ${PATH_TO_PHOTOS}:/source/photos:ro
      - 8200:8200
    restart: unless-stopped
# This compose file is customized following the document: "Docker in OMV" from the OMV-Extras wiki.
# Adapt it to your server if the configuration is different.


Application to synchronize folders between different devices and the server, such as smartphones or PCs. Go to ->

    container_name: syncthing
    hostname: syncthing #optional
      - ${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/syncthing/config:/config
      - ${PATH_TO_DOCUMENTS}/mary/syncthing:/mary    # If your name is not Mary, modify this
      - ${PATH_TO_DOCUMENTS}/peter/syncthing:/peter  # If your name is not Peter, modify this
      - 8384:8384
      - 22000:22000/tcp
      - 22000:22000/udp
      - 21027:21027/udp
    restart: unless-stopped
# This compose file is customized following the document: "Docker in OMV" from the OMV-Extras wiki.
# Adapt it to your server if the configuration is different.

Nginx Proxy Manager

This container will allow you to publish services (for example jellyfin) on the internet securely with Let's encrypt certificates. It has a very intuitive administration GUI.

  Advanced configuration.
NPM requires ports 80 and 443 on the router to validate Let's Encrypt certificates. You can free those ports by changing the ones used by the OMV GUI as suggested or you can do a forwarding from the router to the container.
To do this, forward 80 and 443 on the router to, for example, 30080 and 30443 with the server's IP. In the NPM container it collects these ports using:
- 30080:80
- 30443:443
The result will be the same, the container will receive the traffic from those router ports and you will still have the OMV GUI on port 80 and 443 of your local network.

Go to ->

    image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
    restart: unless-stopped
      - '80:80' # Public HTTP Port
      - '443:443' # Public HTTPS Port
      - '81:81' # Admin Web Port
      # Add any other Stream port you want to expose
      # - '21:21' # FTP
      # Mysql/Maria connection parameters:
      DB_MYSQL_HOST: "db"
      DB_MYSQL_PORT: 3306
      DB_MYSQL_USER: "npm"
      DB_MYSQL_PASSWORD: "npm"
      DB_MYSQL_NAME: "npm"
      # Uncomment this if IPv6 is not enabled on your host
      # DISABLE_IPV6: 'true'
      - ${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/nginxproxymanager/data:/data
      - ${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/nginxproxymanager/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
      - db
    image: 'jc21/mariadb-aria:latest'
    restart: unless-stopped
      MYSQL_DATABASE: 'npm'
      MYSQL_USER: 'npm'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'npm'
      - ${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/nginxproxymanager/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
# This compose file is customized following the document: "Docker in OMV" from the OMV-Extras wiki.
# Adapt it to your server if the configuration is different.

To access the NPM GUI use port 81. The initial username and password to access NPM is:

Nextcloud AIO (All In One)

Nextcloud is a private cloud hosting system. You will be able to access the files on your server from the internet.

This container is the official version of Nextcloud AIO (All In One). It has a configuration GUI that installs and manages several containers at the same time.

Before installing Nextcloud you need to previously install a proxy, such as the one described above Nginx Proxy Manager (you can use any other proxy supported by Nextcloud AIO, check their documentation for other options). Install NPM first and configure it following these instructions: NPM configuration for Nextcloud AIO (Click on “click to expand” in the option for Nginx-Proxy-Manager)

For this container to work you will have to do the following:

Go to ->

# For custom configuration consult ->
    image: nextcloud/all-in-one:latest
    init: true
    restart: always
    container_name: nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer
      - nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer:/mnt/docker-aio-config
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      - 8080:8080
      - APACHE_PORT=11000
      - NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=${PATH_TO_APPDATA}/nextcloud_data
    name: nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer
# This compose file is customized following the document: "Docker in OMV" from the OMV-Extras wiki.
# Adapt it to your server if the configuration is different.

Start the container and make the first configuration. Follow these steps from point 4 → How to install the Nextcloud All In One on linux

Notice that we have configured the Nextcloud data volume in the appdata folder. This is due to two reasons.

All of this can be easily overcome by using the Nextcloud External Storage Plugin to mount those shared folders from the Nextcloud GUI, for example with samba. This will allow you to continue using those files within Nextcloud but outside of its database. Then in the data volume set up for Nextcloud there will only be information such as phone books or calendars of the different users, which do not take up much space and can be stored on a small and fast disk.

Nextcloud AIO is a container that spawns other containers and stores them in the docker folder. The openmediavault-compose plugin backup utility does not back up data in this folder.
If you want to have a backup of this container you must use the internal backup function of Nextcloud AIO. In the Nextcloud AIO GUI you must establish where this backup is saved and how often it should be done, Nextcloud AIO takes care of everything else, stopping containers, making the backup and starting containers again.

Other containers

Expand image -> Add from example

  Beginners Info
Most of the example compose files will work out of the box if you run them without making any modifications. But it will probably be better to adapt them to your system configuration according to everything explained in this document. This will avoid unexpected situations.

Create your own custom container

Go to -> Dockerfiles If you can't find a container that fits what you need in the plugin's list of examples or on the internet, you can create an image yourself and run the container from that image. To do this you can use Dockerfile.

The openmediavault-compose plugin makes it easy to create images using the Dockerfile. You can see its use here → Dockerfiles

Some basic procedures for container management

How to schedule container updates and/or backups

Go to -> Schedule (Updates and Backups) Especially useful is this feature of the plugin. You will be able to selectively schedule container updates. And you can also make backups of the containers and volumes you want on a scheduled basis.

See how to do it in the corresponding section of the plugin document in this wiki → Schedule (Updates and Backups)

How to modify the configuration of a container

If for any reason you need to modify the container configuration, change the location of a volume or any other circumstance, do the following:

How to reset a container's settings

If you want to restore the container to its initial state, do the following (This will remove any configuration we have made to the container):

Other procedures

Go to -> Usual procedures
You can find several useful procedures in the corresponding section of the openmediavault-compose plugin document. Among them you will find a procedure to configure a vlan that will allow you to install pihole or adguard. → Usual procedures

The whys

Why use global environment variables

Go to -> Global environment variables

Go to -> Symlinks Plugin For OMV7

Why use docker-compose

Go to ->

Why use openmediavault-compose

Go to -> (Docker) Compose Plugin For OMV7

Why use 64 bits?

Go to -> What is docker

A Closing Note

We, who support the openmediavault project, hope that you’ll find your openmediavault server to be enjoyable, efficient, and easy to use.

If you found this guide to be helpful, please consider a modest donation to support the hosting costs of this server (OMV-Extras) and the project (Openmediavault).