Symlinks Plugin For OMV7
[[omv7:omv7_plugins:symlinks|{{ ::omv7:omv7_plugins:symlinks-logo.jpg?400 |Symlinks Plugin For OMV6}}]] ====== Symlinks Plugin For OMV7 ====== \\ \\ ===== Summary ===== * Openmediavault-symlinks provides a tool to create folder shortcuts from the openmediavault GUI. * A symlink can simply serve to abbreviate the mount path of a disk mounted by uuid. An example of this could be the following path: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-89527b07-ad7a-4bae-b5b0-5fd311jk588b/ * We can define a symlink that is simply this in the OMV root path: /disk1 * In this way when we need to define the path of this disk in a container, for example, we will only have to write /disk1 ---- ===== Prerequisites ===== * [[https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=misc_docs:omv_extras|OMV-Extras]] must be pre-installed. ---- ===== Installation ===== In OMV7's GUI:\\ Under **System**, **Plugins**, find and highlight **openmediavault-symlinks 7.X**, and click the **install** button. ---- ===== Using symlinks =====
Under Services, Symlinks
\\ {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:symlinks1.jpg?direct&1000 |Services Symlinks}} ---- === Create and delete a symlink === {{ :omv7:omv7_plugins:symlinks2.jpg?direct&600|Create symlink}} * Go to **Services** > **Symlinks** Press the **+ Create** button. In the window do the following: * The **Source** field defines the actual folder on the file system. Click on the tree on the right, find the folder for which we are going to create the symlink and select it. In our previous example we look in the /srv directory for the folder /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-89527b07-ad7a-4bae-b5b0-5fd311jk588b/ * The **Destination** field defines where the symlink will be located and the name that we want to use, we can use the tree or write directly. In this case we write /disk1. * Press **Save**. The symlink is created. * To delete the previous symlink, select the line and press the **Delete** button. ---- === Import existing symlinks in the system === * You can import symlinks that you have created in the CLI, so that you will have a list of all of them in the OMV GUI. To do this, press the **Import existing symlink** button. * Existing symlinks will appear in the drop-down list, select the one you are interested in and press Import. * In the list of symlinks another line will appear with the imported symlink. ---- ===== Source Code ===== -> [[https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/openmediavault-symlinks|openmediavault-symlinks]] ---- ===== A Closing Note ===== We, who support the openmediavault project, hope you’ve found this guide to be useful and that you’ll find your openmediavault server to be efficient, easy to use, and enjoyable.\\ \\ If you found this plugin guide to be helpful, please consider a modest donation to support the hosting costs of this server.\\ \\ **OMV-Extras.org** \\
\\ \\ **Venmo: ryecoaaron** \\